Algorithmic Trading
Earn up to 25% a year.
Risk Management. Only you choose the ratio of risk and return that is acceptable for you.
— Sebastian Kläy CEO Wavesvector
What is Algorithmic Trading
Algorithmic trading investment is a semi-DeFi product on the Waves blockchain. The invested funds are accumulated on the Waves blockchain and used as collateral on the smart contracts, which are then proxied into algorithmic trading strategies among few centralized exchanges, like Bitmex, Binance, Okex, etc., part of those funds are also used on Waves.Exchange. When you invest in algorithmic trading, you can select the risk level of your investment (Moderate or Aggressive).
When you invest assets, you receive the voucher in return. The voucher is the assurance asset that proves that your assets are invested in the smart contract.
You can withdraw at any time, i.e. exchange your voucher for invested assets at a new price. The difference between voucher price when you invest and the changed price when you exit is your income. You can call us for more information.
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Daily 10:00 AM — 5:00 PM